How Do Colors Affect Purchases?

When marketing a new product or advertising, it is important to take colors into consideration since they can instantly affect customers’ decisions on whether to buy from or not.

Here are fascinating insights into how do colors affect purchases and how to apply the information about color meanings to improve your business marketing or advertising and march your business.

1 The meaning of colors

In different cultures, colors can have very distinct meaning, below is the meaning of color in American.

White: It stands for purity and innocence. It is popular in decorating and in fashion because it is light, neutral, and goes with everything.

Red: The most emotionally intense color, it stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing and is an appetite stimulant. It represents valor and hardiness. It is also the color of love. Designers say that red advertising or red custom banner would be perfect since it can greatly grab attention from audiences.

Blue: The color of the sky and the ocean, one of the most popular colors. It signifies justice, perseverance, and vigilance. Peaceful, tranquil blue causes the body to produce calming chemicals, so it is often used in bedrooms and offices.

Green: A very popular color since it symbolizes nature. It is the easiest color on the eye and can improve vision. It is a calming, refreshing color.

Yellow: Cheerful sunny yellow is an attention getter, often applied to get attention of audiences. While it is considered an optimistic color, people lose their tempers more often in yellow rooms, and babies will cry more. It is the most difficult color for the eye to take in, so it can be overpowering if overused.

Purple: The color of royalty, purple connotes luxury, wealth, and sophistication. It is also feminine and romantic. However, because it is rare in nature, purple can appear artificial.

Brown: Solid, reliable brown is the color of earth and is abundant in nature. Light brown implies genuineness while dark brown is similar to wood or leather. Brown can also be sad and wistful. Men are more tend to say brown is one of their favorite colors.

2 How to attract consumers with colors?

According to related research, 85% of buyers regard colors as a primary reason for why they purchase a particular product. The research also indicated that people make a subconscious judgment about an environment or product within 90 seconds of initial viewing and that between 62% and 90% of that assessment is based on color alone.

Red and orange: It is easy to find that most restaurants are decorated with vivid reds and oranges because they are appetite stimulants and encourage consumers to eat more and leave quickly.

In daily life, many restaurants use red to stimulate appetite, such as McDonalds, Pizza Hut, KFC, Wendy's, and Popeye’s. So, if you wan to market or publicize your restaurant with custom banners or custom flags, it is a good choice to use red as a main color.

Pink: The romantic pink is usually used to market products to woman and young girls which is the reason for why Hello Kitty and Victoria’s secret usually use pink as their main color.

Green: The easiest color for the eyes to relax and helps people tolerate a noisy environment. It stimulates to thirst, so it is appropriate to use it in situations depending on beverages as a major part of its custom, such as coffee bars.

Yellow: It is a happy and playful color but it can create anxiety. If you want your customers to be in and out quickly, and to make quick purchases, then yellow will help.

Blue: It creates the sensation of trust and security, often seen with banks and business like FOX and Microsoft Windows. It is rare in food because the studies indicates it calms and the brain release tranquilizing chemicals upon seeing the color.

Black: Powerful and sleek, used to market luxury products.

3 Tips for using colors

Don’t use any color entirely on its own, it is best to use complementary colors in small proportions to balance the primary color you have chosen, because over-use of any one color can have a different effect to the one intended.

For instance, a large amount of red can lead to aggression and anger, too much yellow can bring out anxiety and an excess of blue can slow people down to a point of inactivity.

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