What Kind of Advertising Flags Should You Choose?

There are many advertising flags of various shapes, such as teardrop, swooper and rectangle. You may be confused about how to choose a right one. So before placing orders, ask yourself some questions.

What are these flags used for?
You might have many reasons of buying a flag. However, which reason is the most important one? You can ask yourself first and then select a right flag which suits your need. The following are three common reasons:
Telling people “who I am”,
Telling people “we are here”.
Telling people “what we do”.

What are you going to put on the flags?
What are you going to put on the flag, Logo, slogan, or business keywords? They are three common contents for flag design, which include pattern, product image or a specific background color. But you should bear in mind that a good flag design should make the most important part outstanding.

After solving the two problems above, you should be able to determine which type of flag you will choose. If the content that you want to put on the flags occupies a large space, you may choose rectangle flags for their large size. On the contrary, teardrop flags are definitely an excellent choice.

If you have any other questions, do no hesitate to contact us for more information.
